Name: Richard Moreno
Nickname: Richy
Gender: Male
Birthday: March, 26
Height: 6"2
Weight: 130
Eye Color: Dark brown
Hair Color: Dark brown
Ethnicity: Hispanic
I prefer: Women
These are a few of my favorite things: ○Playing bass
○Playing some sports
I completely abhor these: ●Hypocrites
●People who can't see things through to the end
●Breaking promises
Personality: Richard is the type of unenthusiastic kid who likes to watch clouds. He prefers to avoid troublesome activities, pretending to be busy to avoid responsibility. He also does not like fighting, deeming it, as he does most things, to be "a drag". He is fully aware of this side of his personality. However, when duty calls, Richard has a strong moral compass and sense of commitment towards his friends/team. Even though, by his own testimony, he lacks bravery, he will sacrafice himself for the sake of his friends and/or team without a second thought.
Biography: Richard grew up in a small city in Southern California. He had an obsession with pokemon growing up, because of this, Richard didn't have many friends, as most people deemed him an outcast. However, Richard did eventually make friends with other outcasts.
When others exiled people from sports games, Richard too abandoned the game and ended up playing pokemon with them instead. Because of the kindness Richard has shown his friends, they're unwavering in their loyalty to him.
He and his friends each received an e-mail from Nintendo. After reading about the event, Richard and his friends planned on how to get to New York. None of them could afford the trip on their own. Due to his friends undying loyalty, they decided to buy Richard a plane ticket to the event. Before leaving he promised that whatever the event was, he was doing it for them.
Richard left taking only his bass, clothes, and his favorite pokemon game, Pokemon Silver.
Game: Pokemon Silver
Hero: Gold
Other: Gets extremely shy around women, tends to carry his bass everywhere, tends to use the phrase "what a drag".